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continuing diagnostics after treatment Empty continuing diagnostics after treatment

Tue Nov 06, 2018 12:42 pm
I mainly like to take control of patients myself and as soon as there is a 100% diagnosis I treat them and send them home.  I no when the doctor is in control they often send them for tests and give more treatment than the diagnosis requires. often hospitalised patients are given the required treatment and then still sent for diagnosis tests.  Is there much point in this when the game doesn't require you to find all hidden symptoms. For example ive just had a doctor diagnose a patient with hypothyroidism but instead of just prescribing the synthetic thyroid treatment hes ordered an ECG. is this really necessary when they've made a 100% diagnosis?  How does everyone else play just curious?
Inge Jones
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Join date : 2018-11-01

continuing diagnostics after treatment Empty Re: continuing diagnostics after treatment

Tue Nov 06, 2018 1:34 pm
They probably wanted to see if the heart was ok, because extra thyroid can cause rhythm problems, so if there was an existing heart problem they would have to be extra cautious with the dosage.
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continuing diagnostics after treatment Empty Re: continuing diagnostics after treatment

Tue Nov 06, 2018 3:17 pm
This applies mostly just to dangerous symptoms. It is important to get all symptoms diagnosed and treated, for example someone with some organ issue having extra internal damage, caused by the main condition, which requires surgery in its own right despite not being the main condition. This is why sometimes you might have someone who has had treatment collapsing after.
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continuing diagnostics after treatment Empty Re: continuing diagnostics after treatment

Wed Nov 07, 2018 1:04 am
This is probably more obvious in cardiology where patients, despite receiving complete treatment, still collapse later on and need more surgery. Patients can appear well but develop complications later on. Also, untreated, stable symptoms initially can result in the patient developing a much more serious problem and die later. I have had several patients in cardio admit, treated fully, collapse in High Dependancy, transferred to ICU, and die despite fast surgery and treatment.
Inge Jones
Posts : 78
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2018-11-01

continuing diagnostics after treatment Empty Re: continuing diagnostics after treatment

Wed Nov 07, 2018 9:48 am
Limskj wrote: I have had several patients in cardio admit, treated fully, collapse in High Dependancy, transferred to ICU, and die despite fast surgery and treatment.

Not having you as my chest surgeon! Razz (only joking)
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