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[SUGGESTION] Patient pathfinding Empty [SUGGESTION] Patient pathfinding

Fri Nov 09, 2018 9:24 am
Hi, I've noticed that patients will go into other rooms to use a toilet if it's physically closer to their bed in a straight line, if even it's behind a wall in another room, instead of using a toilet that is closer to them which is nearer in terms of walking distance.

Essentially, patients are looking for the nearest toilet in terms of distance in a straight line, not walking distance. Red shows where the patient actually goes, green where they should go.

[SUGGESTION] Patient pathfinding Toilet10

Is this expected behaviour?
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Join date : 2018-03-23
Location : Czech republic

[SUGGESTION] Patient pathfinding Empty Re: [SUGGESTION] Patient pathfinding

Fri Nov 09, 2018 10:19 am
Hello again ! - well this is how it works - characters are looking for the closest objects from their actual position. We'll be investigating more in the meantime Wink
Anyway thanks!
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