Project Hospital
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Join date : 2018-11-11

Long wait for transport! Empty Long wait for transport!

Sun Nov 11, 2018 9:51 am
After the patient collapsed and switched department to ICU, almost 90% of the time it will turn into "Long wait for transport!" and "Collapsed Patient is being transported to other hospital". Even though I have nurses idling in the origin department and ICU and plenty of stretches.

How does the transport of patient work in this game?
Inge Jones
Posts : 78
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Join date : 2018-11-01

Long wait for transport! Empty Re: Long wait for transport!

Sun Nov 11, 2018 2:11 pm
Does the game have porters? Not sure whose job it should be to transfer between depts
Posts : 75
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Join date : 2018-11-08

Long wait for transport! Empty Re: Long wait for transport!

Fri Nov 16, 2018 12:38 pm
If a patient collapses I believe that it will be a nurse of the responsible department that will be responsible for bringing the patient to the ICU (which is unrealistic btw, it should be ICU nurses job).
If a patient collapses in the Emergency clinic, nearby staff will stabilize them and a nurse from Observation/Trauma will get a stretcher and transport the patient. (Because Trauma/Observation is the hospital section of Emergency)

For a hospitalized patient, a nearby doctor should be called to stabilize but they will then leave afterwards and the transfer to ICU will be handled like any other department transfer, which is to say a nurse from the department hospital will be tasked to deal with it. There is actually no real benefit for transferring the patient to ICU in this game, except that the ratio of staff to patients should be higher and thus a patient should get more immediate care. (which again is why ICU nurses should be doing the transporting)

As for what your issue is, I have no idea. You say you have enough idle nurses in your department, they should be taking care of it.

In a real hospital, ICU departments will have rapid response teams, not unlike an in-house ambulance. I witnessed them in action once when a patient went into cardiac arrest. The hospital I worked in the protocol worked like this:
If a patient went into "collapse", as the game calls it, local staff would attempt to stabilize and would dial a specific in house number that was used as an emergency line to ICU. You would simply say your location and the ICU team would start running in a sprint. The ICU team had a special emergency response kit that was always prepared for such an event, as well as a special key that would overwrite elevator controls so elevators would immediately go to the floor the key was used at and then ignore any calls from outside the elevator.
The team would then take over in stabilizing the patient and simply wheel the entire patients bed to ICU, with a team member on top the bed providing CPR (or any other stabilization required). Of course in other hospitals they very well could bring their own stretcher instead.
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