Project Hospital
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Join date : 2018-12-11
Age : 35
Location : Australia

Wardsmen/Porters Empty Wardsmen/Porters

Wed Dec 12, 2018 12:01 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
I've found that nurses escort the patients around the hospital in stretchers, taking these nurses off the floor, which costs time and reduces the amount of checking on patients. In the real world, patients are transported around the hospital with porters/wardsmen that push the beds around the hospital so that the nurses can stay on the floor (unless a nurse escort is medically indicated). My suggestion is perhaps one or all of the following:

1. Wardsmen - these employees can transport patients to medical imaging/procedures etc so that nurses can stay on the floor and continue monitoring patients

2. If a nurse is escorting a patient, perhaps the nurse can stay with the patients until they are finished (as it would happen in the real world) so that the patient can return to their home ward promptly as I've noticed patients wait a long time for the nurse to return and escort them back, sometimes allowing them to deteriorate.
Posts : 142
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Join date : 2018-11-01

Wardsmen/Porters Empty Re: Wardsmen/Porters

Fri Dec 14, 2018 4:33 pm
I've gotten around the lack of orderlies by making two groups of nurses. One group has the lowest wages I can find without accepting drunks, mean people, or people with dirty feet, and have only the transfer patients box checked. The other group have higher skills and wages, and have only the patient care box checked.
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