Project Hospital
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[RESOLVED] Patient arriving by ambulance moves separate from stretcher Empty [RESOLVED] Patient arriving by ambulance moves separate from stretcher

Thu Dec 20, 2018 7:27 pm
Description: A patient arriving by ambulance were not transported by stretcher to the TC, instead, they walked away to the map boundary before teleporting back into the bed.

Reproduction steps: After loading the save file, move to the ambulance unloading area. After a few in-game minutes, the ambulance will arrive. The patient (Thomas Adams) will appear and start walking horizontally away from the ambulance, while a loaded stretcher (without the NPC) is moved into the trauma centre.

Screenshot: [RESOLVED] Patient arriving by ambulance moves separate from stretcher 20181210


Save file and log file attached below.
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[RESOLVED] Patient arriving by ambulance moves separate from stretcher Empty Re: [RESOLVED] Patient arriving by ambulance moves separate from stretcher

Fri Jan 04, 2019 4:43 pm
Hi, thanks a lot for the report! We've seen a similar bug a couple of times some months ago, but this is the first time we have a really good repro case! Thanks to that it should be fixed in the next patch. Smile
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