Project Hospital
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Join date : 2018-12-31

[UNRESOLVED NEED MORE INFO] Doctors won't work  Empty [UNRESOLVED NEED MORE INFO] Doctors won't work

Mon Dec 31, 2018 7:20 am
hello! so i already had 3 doctors working in my clinic and they all work perfectly so i added another one to make sure every patients are cured so i make another room for doctors now i have 4 doctor's offices , after that there are only 2 doctors working and another 2 left they just sitting on the chair and don't call the patient sometimes they just go to the restroom or water dispenser [sandbox mode]
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Join date : 2018-03-23

[UNRESOLVED NEED MORE INFO] Doctors won't work  Empty Re: [UNRESOLVED NEED MORE INFO] Doctors won't work

Wed Jan 02, 2019 2:03 pm
Hi, thanks for the report! Could you please tell us which version you're playing/attach also the log file? Checking in the latest patch version here, everything seems to work normally and all 4 doctors accept patients.
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