Project Hospital
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Join date : 2019-02-05

[OPEN] Problem when adding new floors Empty [OPEN] Problem when adding new floors

Tue Feb 05, 2019 4:48 am
It's strange.

Let's supose I created one block, and I created it as 20x30.

Now, I added a new floor.... great.

Now I want to change from 20x30 to 40x40.

Those new 20x10 blocks that I have added, will NOT have in the new floor... and if I try to add walls and carpets, it will not add.. it will be as it's an unroof area.

Another thing.

Let's suppose I have one area with two floors, and I want to add another area.... when I create it, the second floor will not replicate. and again, I can't add walls and carpets by myself to complete the second floor on the new area.

Check the print as example attached.

Hope you guys fix it soon!
[OPEN] Problem when adding new floors Attachment
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Join date : 2018-03-23

[OPEN] Problem when adding new floors Empty Re: [OPEN] Problem when adding new floors

Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:18 am
Hi, thanks for the message! Actually, you can mark the areas using the foundations tool to be able to build on top of them.
We'll have another look at making this automatic to some extent (at least adding a roof), although we need to be really careful so the automatic system doesn't to affect anything built by the player intentionally...
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