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[NEED MORE INFO]Coffe machine don`t work Empty [NEED MORE INFO]Coffe machine don`t work

Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:54 am
coffee maker (machine) does not work in patch 14.
to set on the kitchen table or on the office table coffee maker no one fits and does not use it.

кофе машина (кофеварка) не работает в патче 14
к установленной на кухонном столе или на офисном столе кофеварке ни кто не подходит и ей не пользуется.
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[NEED MORE INFO]Coffe machine don`t work Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO]Coffe machine don`t work

Mon Mar 18, 2019 10:05 am
PyJIeT wrote:coffee maker (machine) does not work in patch 14.
to set on the kitchen table or on the office table coffee maker no one fits and does not use it.

кофе машина (кофеварка) не работает в патче 14
к установленной на кухонном столе или на офисном столе кофеварке ни кто не подходит и ей не пользуется.

Hi, coffee machine is used by employees during their lunch break (after 12). I just tested it and it will works. Can you please upload your save file so we can check what might be wrong?
Thank you and have a great day
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