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Join date : 2019-08-21

[QUESTION] Corridor's being changed Empty [QUESTION] Corridor's being changed

Wed Aug 21, 2019 2:53 pm
Half of the 3rd floor corridors in Neurology were swapped or grayed out. Half of Cardiology corridors, too. I deleted the corridors and reassigned and they work now. Not completely sure it's a bug, but it was odd and pretty random. No other department or floor was affected. So strange.
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[QUESTION] Corridor's being changed Empty Re: [QUESTION] Corridor's being changed

Mon Aug 26, 2019 10:48 am
Hi, thanks for the message! Looking at the screenshots, all the grayed-out rooms show that they're inaccessible and there's always a part of the room behind a wall with now way to get to - so this looks pretty normal at first glance. Smile
Just out of curiosity - have you made any changes to walls on the particular floor or moved elevators recently?
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[QUESTION] Corridor's being changed Empty Re: [QUESTION] Corridor's being changed

Mon Aug 26, 2019 6:54 pm
Actually, yes. Several staff kept taking the longest way around and I decided to build walls to force them to take the shortest route. And now I'm thinking that building those walls, without removing the assigned corridors, may have caused the issue. Is this what you are thinking as well?
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[QUESTION] Corridor's being changed Empty Re: [QUESTION] Corridor's being changed

Tue Aug 27, 2019 12:56 pm
Hi, I see, all makes perfect sense then - the marking of the rooms as inaccessible is by design, for empty corridors it shouldn't have any effect on behavior of the characters - but you can imagine it can be pretty useful for example if you accidentally place a wall one tile off without noticing it and cut off some equipment in one of the specialized rooms. Smile
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Join date : 2019-08-21

[QUESTION] Corridor's being changed Empty Re: [QUESTION] Corridor's being changed

Wed Aug 28, 2019 5:43 am
It makes complete sense. And when I responded to your previous question I realized how the error was probably mine - blocking the path. In my defense, I did say I wasn't sure if it was a bug or not. Very Happy Really appreciate your taking the time to check it out though. Love the game!
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[QUESTION] Corridor's being changed Empty Re: [QUESTION] Corridor's being changed

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