- MedJetspecialist
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Newly Hired Doctors Immediately off to fill Needs/New Doctor won't work.
Fri Jan 24, 2020 8:07 pm
Why is it that every time you hire a new doctor they run off to fill their needs even if their stars are at 3 or more. I just lost a high value patient because I hired a doctor and she promptly went to lounge around?! Then returns and doesn't work. She has positive modifiers too!
**correction on the "wont" work as it was my mistake. However the newly hired doctors always leaving to fill needs is an annoyance.
**correction on the "wont" work as it was my mistake. However the newly hired doctors always leaving to fill needs is an annoyance.
- jan.oxymorondeveloper
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Re: Newly Hired Doctors Immediately off to fill Needs/New Doctor won't work.
Mon Jan 27, 2020 5:23 pm
Hi, thanks for the message, this should be fixable on our side - if I'm not mistaken, it's related to time of day, employees try to have lunch once per day and when hired in the afternoon/evening, they will still try to follow this rule. Setting all employees hired after lunch hours to ignore this during their first day wouldn't hurt I guess.
- DocDesastrospecialist
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Re: Newly Hired Doctors Immediately off to fill Needs/New Doctor won't work.
Tue Apr 28, 2020 6:19 pm
This also happens with persons entering night shift. This is especially annoying, if you have people waiting in the pharmacy - people there do not want to wait long for the new tech first leaving the counter to get a sandwich, a mug of coffee and take a pee first, a nap on the sofa next before serving the customer waiting an hour to get his tylenol.
Do that in real life and get fired. You should always get to work rested and fed and take your break in the middle of the shift after the first heap of work done. I lost 5 customers in the pharmacy on a single evening because of this. Daytime tech leaves 8 p.m., new tech comes in at 8:15 p.m. and then goes to the staffroom and toilet first. This is certainly not working as intended?
Do that in real life and get fired. You should always get to work rested and fed and take your break in the middle of the shift after the first heap of work done. I lost 5 customers in the pharmacy on a single evening because of this. Daytime tech leaves 8 p.m., new tech comes in at 8:15 p.m. and then goes to the staffroom and toilet first. This is certainly not working as intended?
- jan.oxymorondeveloper
- Posts : 2309
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Re: Newly Hired Doctors Immediately off to fill Needs/New Doctor won't work.
Wed Apr 29, 2020 12:19 pm
Hi, employees should indeed arrive with their needs filled, this suggests it might work differently for doctors and the other professions - let me check.
- marcellhernandesattending
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Re: Newly Hired Doctors Immediately off to fill Needs/New Doctor won't work.
Sun May 03, 2020 10:50 pm
jan.oxymoron wrote:Hi, thanks for the message, this should be fixable on our side - if I'm not mistaken, it's related to time of day, employees try to have lunch once per day and when hired in the afternoon/evening, they will still try to follow this rule. Setting all employees hired after lunch hours to ignore this during their first day wouldn't hurt I guess.
Devs, by the way, people that get to work late, get there like, very late. I had people that were 2 hours late Can't we have more moderation
I know it's part of simulation. That happens in real life. I should probably fire them. But I was broke so I couldn't hire more people
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