Project Hospital
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Join date : 2019-04-20

Transplant Empty Transplant

Sun Apr 19, 2020 11:00 am
It would be great to have the possibility of transplantation like when you implement helicopter in a DLC.
Your helicopter leaves just like an ambulance leaves to pick up a patient but this time it's for organ retrieval and a doctor is flying out in the helicopter. We can imagine that it is the surgeon, the anaesthetist or even a whole surgical team (surgeon, assistant, anaesthetist, 2 nurses) who go to get the organ. Or we can create a new specialty (transplant specialist for exemple) or a transplant department.
To add a bit of challenge, when an organ is available you have a timer (as for the event) and if you run out of time the organ is no longer suitable for transplantation. It can result in a decrease in your prestige and your patient is still wainting for another organ to transplant so he can die while waiting for a new organ if you take the risk of keeping him in your hospital or you can send him to another hospital.
It can also be fun to give new achievements like "I slipped chief" when you fail the "transplant event".
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