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[RESOLVED]Can't assign multiple employees to a gift shop Empty [RESOLVED]Can't assign multiple employees to a gift shop

Sat Apr 25, 2020 8:58 pm

It is impossible to hire a second employee nor transfer already employed to the gift shop. When trying to do so, bar at the bottom displays clinic employees need their own office. Tested also on a new save on vanilla version, same behavior.

Reproduction steps

Place a gift shop, hire one employee, and then try to hire another one
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Location : California, USA

[RESOLVED]Can't assign multiple employees to a gift shop Empty Re: [RESOLVED]Can't assign multiple employees to a gift shop

Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:43 am
Having the same issue. Says they are a clinic employee and need their own office. Bit confusing if you ask me...
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Location : France

[RESOLVED]Can't assign multiple employees to a gift shop Empty Re: [RESOLVED]Can't assign multiple employees to a gift shop

Sun Apr 26, 2020 9:19 pm
I also have this problem, but it is not very disabling, it is especially the error message which does not really explain the problem.
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[RESOLVED]Can't assign multiple employees to a gift shop Empty Re: [RESOLVED]Can't assign multiple employees to a gift shop

Mon Apr 27, 2020 11:11 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Szym3k wrote:Description:

It is impossible to hire a second employee nor transfer already employed to the gift shop. When trying to do so, bar at the bottom displays clinic employees need their own office. Tested also on a new save on vanilla version, same behavior.

Reproduction steps

Place a gift shop, hire one employee, and then try to hire another one

Hi and thank you so much for your report. I have found the problem, will be fixed in the next patch that should go live today. Sorry for the inconvenience and have a great day:)
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[RESOLVED]Can't assign multiple employees to a gift shop Empty Re: [RESOLVED]Can't assign multiple employees to a gift shop

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