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Location : Glasgow

[QUESTION] Patients using 'Staff Only' corridors Empty [QUESTION] Patients using 'Staff Only' corridors

Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:10 pm
Hi, the following image shows the issue.

Blue represents the path patients are taking from my labs to the elevators, black represents the path I expected them to take to the public access elevators.

The patients destinations are accessible via public corridors yet they will choose 'Staff Only' areas if it's a shorter path, for example, if they are heading to a destination that is closer to the staff elevators than to the public elevators on the floor they are travelling to. Are they ignoring staff only areas when routing to different floors?

[QUESTION] Patients using 'Staff Only' corridors Patien10
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Join date : 2018-11-02

[QUESTION] Patients using 'Staff Only' corridors Empty Re: [QUESTION] Patients using 'Staff Only' corridors

Thu Apr 30, 2020 6:30 pm
I had the same issue, until I placed "Do Not Enter" doors on both ends, then the patients stop using that path.
Posts : 239
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Location : Glasgow

[QUESTION] Patients using 'Staff Only' corridors Empty Re: [QUESTION] Patients using 'Staff Only' corridors

Thu Apr 30, 2020 6:53 pm
I'm sure the do not enter doors are cosmetic only.
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[QUESTION] Patients using 'Staff Only' corridors Empty Re: [QUESTION] Patients using 'Staff Only' corridors

Tue May 05, 2020 1:41 pm
Hi, I think this is just a side effect of how the elevator system works and unfortunately not something that can be easily changed at this point. When it comes to elevators, the game doesn't distinguish access rights - mostly to prevent issues where some characters (usually patients) would get stuck and the game would have a hard time explaining what the issue is and where.

When characters select their closest elevator, they will try to obey the access rights, but it there's no legal path, they will disregard the rules rather than getting stuck.

But, in your particular design, if you mark the whole corridor between the elevator banks green, you should get your patients to follow the black arrow instead of the blue one, hopefully getting you close to the desired result. Smile
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[QUESTION] Patients using 'Staff Only' corridors Empty Re: [QUESTION] Patients using 'Staff Only' corridors

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