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Join date : 2020-05-05

Skills/Specializations? Empty Skills/Specializations?

Tue May 05, 2020 2:59 pm

For a doctor it clearly explains that the two skills make them work faster and more accurate (less misdiagnoses and so on).

But for their (maximum 2) specializations, it doesn't really say what happens when you increase them?
It just says that having them allows this or that, but not that the percentage increases anything?

And for a radiology technologist, it doesn't give any clue on skill or specializations what is affected if you increase the level.
I don't know if a radiologist can miss a broken arm on an X-Ray, just cause radiology skill was to low???
At least for technologists in labs, with advanced biochemistry skill, it says that it makes them more efficient, so probably they get even faster when increasing that.

Any clue on what happens when those unclear skills/specializations are increased?

And also, do we know if an X-Ray (or labtest) can come back with wrong result? Or are they always 100%, and what can go wrong is the (automated) doctors actions trying to diagnose/treat?

Thanks Smile
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Location : Germany

Skills/Specializations? Empty Re: Skills/Specializations?

Wed May 06, 2020 10:33 am
I hope that the first skill - regardless in which department - will increase working speed, thus handling the equipment. The diagnosis skill could determine, how long it takes to come to the diagnosis. Just guessing, but we might need input from the devs here.
Posts : 103
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Join date : 2018-03-22

Skills/Specializations? Empty Re: Skills/Specializations?

Wed May 06, 2020 1:14 pm
Hi, mostly all skills makes your staff overall faster or more effective.
Posts : 27
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2020-05-05

Skills/Specializations? Empty Re: Skills/Specializations?

Wed May 06, 2020 1:28 pm
roman.oxymoron wrote:Hi, mostly all skills makes your staff overall faster or more effective.

Ok, so there is no risk for a missed broken leg at X-Ray, cause some skill is to low?
It only affects speed?
Posts : 103
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Join date : 2018-03-22

Skills/Specializations? Empty Re: Skills/Specializations?

Wed May 06, 2020 1:54 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Swede74 wrote:
roman.oxymoron wrote:Hi, mostly all skills makes your staff overall faster or more effective.

Ok, so there is no risk for a missed broken leg at X-Ray, cause some skill is to low?
It only affects speed?

Exactly Wink
Posts : 22
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Join date : 2020-04-05
Location : Belgium

Skills/Specializations? Empty Re: Skills/Specializations?

Wed May 06, 2020 5:47 pm
roman.oxymoron wrote:Hi, mostly all skills makes your staff overall faster or more effective.

Are there any plans to go more in-depth with specialisations?
I really like the teaching room with the new DLC, but I would love to see more sub-specialisations.
On radiology for example to have people with an extra MRI or CT specialisation to further increase their productivity on only that modality.
Posts : 103
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Join date : 2018-03-22

Skills/Specializations? Empty Re: Skills/Specializations?

Wed May 06, 2020 5:48 pm
M0n3y wrote:
roman.oxymoron wrote:Hi, mostly all skills makes your staff overall faster or more effective.

Are there any plans to go more in-depth with specialisations?
I really like the teaching room with the new DLC, but I would love to see more sub-specialisations.
On radiology for example to have people with an extra MRI or CT specialisation to further increase their productivity on only that modality.

Hi, sorry but we have no plans to extend those features.
Posts : 27
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2020-05-05

Skills/Specializations? Empty Re: Skills/Specializations?

Wed May 06, 2020 10:51 pm
roman.oxymoron wrote:Hi, mostly all skills makes your staff overall faster or more effective.

But that must mean that we can safely hire the very cheapest staff for the labs - they only downside is they'll work slower?
Great for slowpaced nightshifts if you want to save money, right?
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Skills/Specializations? Empty Re: Skills/Specializations?

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