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Join date : 2020-02-24

Dedicated Radiology Units?   Empty Dedicated Radiology Units?

Wed May 13, 2020 9:56 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
I'm not sure where I found this, but somebody was complaining about not be able to dedicate things in the Radiology for certain departments. Then while playing Cardio Challenge Mode, I realized that the Sono and Cardio departments in the Cardio were fully dedicated to to the department- the ER would simply NOT use them. (had to build more Radiology for the ER to use) Though annoying at the time cause patients kept leaving before I could transfer them, (and I had to start over and build a Radiology Sono and Cardio) now I'm thinking.... What if there were more dedicated department Radiology units? For example Ortho could do well having a dedicated X-ray and CT, and Cardio might as well have a dedicated CAG along with Sono/Cardio

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Dedicated Radiology Units?   Empty Re: Dedicated Radiology Units?

Thu May 14, 2020 8:54 am
Yeah, it would be nice to set certain Radiology rooms for certain departments or at least to hospitalized patients only. It would really help the Traumatology with the X-Ray, CT or MRI.
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Dedicated Radiology Units?   Empty Re: Dedicated Radiology Units?

Fri May 15, 2020 6:34 am
Dessloch wrote:Yeah, it would be nice to set certain Radiology rooms for certain departments or at least to hospitalized patients only. It would really help the Traumatology with the X-Ray, CT or MRI.

You can set a Radiology staff for hospital/clinic. If you meant for those not In ER thought.
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Location : Germany

Dedicated Radiology Units?   Empty Re: Dedicated Radiology Units?

Fri May 15, 2020 4:59 pm
But generally, I support this. If we could somehow lock who sends his patients to which rooms, we could influence effectivity of our hospitals and have some control. This is nevertheless a good idea.
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Dedicated Radiology Units?   Empty Re: Dedicated Radiology Units?

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