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Comrade Suhov
Comrade Suhov
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Join date : 2020-05-14

[NEED MORE INFO] Exam tables became broken after moving a room. Empty [NEED MORE INFO] Exam tables became broken after moving a room.

Thu May 14, 2020 2:58 pm
Upon finishing my two day long renovation project of my first hospital (love Project Hospital so far!) I noticed my cardiology and sonography rooms are non-functioning. It appears that a stray chair got stuck in my exam tables and broke them both visually and functionally. When interacted and moved, the exam table returned back to normal. These chairs have not existed there as both of the room were moved to a blank unoccupied space.
[NEED MORE INFO] Exam tables became broken after moving a room. Attachment
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[NEED MORE INFO] Exam tables became broken after moving a room. Attachment
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[NEED MORE INFO] Exam tables became broken after moving a room. Attachment You don't have permission to download attachments.(9 Kb) Downloaded 1 times
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[NEED MORE INFO] Exam tables became broken after moving a room. Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO] Exam tables became broken after moving a room.

Fri May 15, 2020 2:30 pm
Hi, thanks a lot for the message and welcome to the forum!

We got a couple of reports about broken furniture recently, but so far it's hard to tell what's causing these, trying different combinations of moving rooms, rotating the camera and using undo, everything seems to work reliably on our side. Btw yes, it's an actual chair, not just a graphics glitch that I was expecting to find. Smile

So, any details that you could still remember could be very helpful - have you been using undo? Has the object changed right after moving the room or have you noticed later? Thanks in advance!
Comrade Suhov
Comrade Suhov
Posts : 3
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Join date : 2020-05-14

[NEED MORE INFO] Exam tables became broken after moving a room. Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO] Exam tables became broken after moving a room.

Sat May 16, 2020 11:56 pm
Well, these two rooms were moved when I discovered the move room button (i.e one Emergency Clinic completely recreation project too late Smile ), but yes, I not just moved them but had to do it several times to discover how this tool actually works (does it create foundations, walls, erase obscuring objects, etc). I moved fully functioning cardiology room at least 3 times back and forth (including moving it to a parking lot just for the sake of it) and when I get the desired result, I believe, I just moved both cardiology and ultrasonic one after another and begun my reshuffle on a 2nd floor. Unfortunately, I spent about 1 hour or more fixing everything so I only discovered this bug when I opened the department and General Surgery gave me a notification about non-functional rooms.
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[NEED MORE INFO] Exam tables became broken after moving a room. Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO] Exam tables became broken after moving a room.

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