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[OPEN] Path Problems Empty [OPEN] Path Problems

Fri Dec 18, 2020 10:12 pm
Message reputation : 0% (1 vote)
1 year of game and more than 8 month not playing because of so many bugs and now I come to back to see that the game still have problems with path... you start to question yourself if you could do it better, because devs are either not giving 2 fucks or are just not able to fix the whole thing. Patients go through places where they're not allowed. In this case, they go to the pharmacy using the staff room door, which is all painted red. Now when are basic things going to be fixed?

[OPEN] Path Problems Path_h10

[OPEN] Path Problems Path_h11

Last edited by jan.oxymoron on Mon Dec 21, 2020 10:33 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : New image)
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Join date : 2020-05-03

[OPEN] Path Problems Empty Re: [OPEN] Path Problems

Fri Dec 18, 2020 10:19 pm
I decided to remove the door... but then... could you just fix this?

[OPEN] Path Problems Path_h12
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[OPEN] Path Problems Empty Re: [OPEN] Path Problems

Mon Dec 21, 2020 10:33 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Hi, if you'd like to make an informed opinion about the amount of effort that has been put into bugfixing over the years, let me suggest looking at release notes of the different patches on Steam. Still, we can only fix issues we're aware of and the first time we saw the problem with pathing to pharmacy was last week (we're currently testing a fix). So far it seems to be a specific case only affecting this room type and what you're seeing is a fallback system that lets characters ignore the access rights (and walk through objects) if they can't find a way with the original rules.
Posts : 40
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Join date : 2020-05-03

[OPEN] Path Problems Empty Re: [OPEN] Path Problems

Fri Apr 21, 2023 11:22 pm
jan.oxymoron wrote:Hi, if you'd like to make an informed opinion about the amount of effort that has been put into bugfixing over the years, let me suggest looking at release notes of the different patches on Steam. Still, we can only fix issues we're aware of and the first time we saw the problem with pathing to pharmacy was last week (we're currently testing a fix). So far it seems to be a specific case only affecting this room type and what you're seeing is a fallback system that lets characters ignore the access rights (and walk through objects) if they can't find a way with the original rules.

So, are we going anywhere with it?
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[OPEN] Path Problems Empty Re: [OPEN] Path Problems

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