Project Hospital
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Join date : 2018-07-28

Simulation Empty Simulation

Tue Aug 21, 2018 12:57 pm
I was wondering if it is going to be a way like to select a doctor and drive all the patient case by your own, i know sometimes (by what I've seen on youtube) you got a notification abt a difficult case for the doctor skill, and you can do some "work" on your own with the patient, but I've not seen any feedback or something like that. I think the idea leads to a better simulation of "being a doctor" and not only managing a hospital because it's a game but it also has a good potential for acquiring new knowledge.
Posts : 605
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Join date : 2018-03-23

Simulation Empty Re: Simulation

Tue Aug 21, 2018 1:12 pm
pKill wrote:I was wondering if it is going to be a way like to select a doctor and drive all the patient case by your own, i know sometimes (by what I've seen on youtube) you got a notification abt a difficult case for the doctor skill, and you can do some "work" on your own with the patient, but I've not seen any feedback or something like that. I think the idea leads to a better simulation of "being a doctor" and not only managing a hospital because it's a game but it also has a good potential for acquiring new knowledge.
Hi, you can actually take care of all the patients, by taking them over if you choose. After that you can prescribe any examination and treatment you think will help. And when you are sure - diagnose the patient:)
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