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Join date : 2018-08-23
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Location : Germany

Suggestion for the Stretchers Empty Suggestion for the Stretchers

Thu Aug 23, 2018 12:51 pm
Hello Developers,

i am a long time lurker of this game. I‘m fascinated of the depth you‘re trying to simulate.
Through the many videos on youtube about the closed Beta, i diceded to register myself on this forum.

First of all, great job on your work until today. I‘ve worked for six years in the german EMS, while i was studying. One thing i noticed here ( was that the nurses and emts are pushing the Stretcher from the feet side. When i‘m remembering good you guys are czech? Is the Stretcher in your Country pushed from this side?
As for myself, i learned in the German EMS, that you push the Stretcher in the direction the head of the patient is facing. This kind, the patient will orient hisself better and will not feel discomfort. Some patient will even get nauseous, if you push them backwards.

Is the direction of the Stretcher facing, from you guys intentionally? Otherwise i would like to suggest, to change this really little detail for a little more immersion Very Happy .

Keep up the good work! Please excuse my english, i‘m not a native speaker.
Have a good day.

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Age : 39
Location : France

Suggestion for the Stretchers Empty Re: Suggestion for the Stretchers

Tue Aug 28, 2018 11:03 pm

In France stretchers are often pushed "head first", for symbolic reasons (dead people being moved feet first) and because it can be helpful to see the patient's face while being transported (as a very basic way of monitoring). Furthermore going feet first is highly impractical when you enter a room and have to translate the patient from the stretcher to the bed.

However, sometimes it's simply more convenient to work the other way around and the feet come first (e.g. when artificial ventilation is needed).
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Join date : 2018-08-23
Age : 34
Location : Germany

Suggestion for the Stretchers Empty Re: Suggestion for the Stretchers

Wed Aug 29, 2018 7:50 am

thanks for the reply. Kind of thought, that its practiced otherwise in other countrys.
Because it is unpractical to go feet first in a room, to bring the Patient from stretcher onto the bed, in Germany we change the direction right infront of the room. This way we Go head first into the room for like 2-3 meters, until we are at the bed.

Just wanted to know, of it is done otherwise in other countrys.
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Join date : 2018-08-02

Suggestion for the Stretchers Empty Re: Suggestion for the Stretchers

Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:33 am

Might be a tad late, but I'd love to input something here. I've worked EMS and in the ER for several years now, and here in the US, you are required to push a stretcher feet first. This is actually for safety reasons, for both the EMS responders (The general company or service provider that is) and the patients. I have one story which actually involved an EMT I knew, they were transporting a patient through a home on a stretcher which had several step offs, but he and the paramedic were not following protocol, and were wheeling the patient head first. The gurney actually malfunctioned, and sent the head of plummeting down which aggravated the patients neck injury. (Reason A we go feet first, we can usually offer more support of that area) As they were rushing the patient down on the broken stretcher (Still head first), My friend accidentally dropped it, sending the gurney crashing down a series of steps leading down into the driveway.

Needless to say the patient wasn't too happy, and promptly sued AMR (ambulance company) for much damages.
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Suggestion for the Stretchers Empty Re: Suggestion for the Stretchers

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