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Placing walls options Empty Placing walls options

Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:46 am
Message reputation : 100% (3 votes)

I see a lot of youtubers 'struggling' to place walls. How come?

In my opinion its due to the lack of the right perspective within this game, cause by the fact that rotation isn't an option.
So... to me the perspective feels kinda off balance. But only when placing walls.
I think it's caused by the furniture being shown!?

Perhaps its possible to implement the same feature as used in placing floors, the feature which make furniture transparent.

1) the overall settingsmenu - to preset - or
2) the wall-showing option at the bottom - to change at will -
an option can be set to active/deactivate transparency of furniture while placing walls.
In case of implementing the feature into the wall-showing option (see suggestion 2 above) please make the setting cached.

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I really think you dev's, but also the whole active community, take a lot of great effort to make this game a mind-blowing experience. Keep on going!!!
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