Project Hospital
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Posts : 73
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Join date : 2018-10-30

Activity detail accessible from card Empty Activity detail accessible from card

Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:04 pm
Some way of displaying (or accessing with a click) room, task or destination details of patients and employees - often the listing reads 'Reserved for procedure' or 'waiting' without information on what this means.
For example: If I could click 'waiting' and it would pop up the doctor's office queue that the patient was waiting for, it would help understand how things were working.
Another example is when a patient has collapsed, showing whether there is a stretcher en route, or if the patient is waiting for a nurse to become free, or similar. Zooming to the approaching stretcher would be amazing!
Posts : 21
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2018-10-31
Age : 33
Location : Montréal

Activity detail accessible from card Empty Re: Activity detail accessible from card

Fri Nov 02, 2018 9:09 pm
Good idea! I'm sure the infos is already available. A kind a log could be available for each character (doctor, nurse, janitor, patient, etc...)
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