Project Hospital
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Join date : 2019-07-01

[RESOLVED] Collapsed patient body dislodged under camera rotation Empty [RESOLVED] Collapsed patient body dislodged under camera rotation

Thu Aug 29, 2019 12:34 pm
under the default camera angle, the sprite is normal, but under other 3 new angles, the body is dislodged.

[RESOLVED] Collapsed patient body dislodged under camera rotation OqXmNzn
[RESOLVED] Collapsed patient body dislodged under camera rotation SQAgPNo
[RESOLVED] Collapsed patient body dislodged under camera rotation Bv9iHgf
[RESOLVED] Collapsed patient body dislodged under camera rotation NQk56tt
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Join date : 2018-03-23

[RESOLVED] Collapsed patient body dislodged under camera rotation Empty Re: [RESOLVED] Collapsed patient body dislodged under camera rotation

Fri Aug 30, 2019 12:54 pm
Hi, thanks a lot for catching this! Smile We have a fix ready for the next minor patch.
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