Project Hospital
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Join date : 2021-08-25
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[NEED MORE INFO] a patient waiting for a long time Empty [NEED MORE INFO] a patient waiting for a long time

Wed Nov 10, 2021 9:36 am
My patient James Clark has 카렌 그린 as his assigned doctor. His status is "waiting," but the doctor's status is that she is done with him. The doctor is not a controlled doctor. I sent the patient home. He left without paying. Then I reloaded the game. What is going on here?
[NEED MORE INFO] a patient waiting for a long time Attachment You don't have permission to download attachments.(2.7 Mb) Downloaded 2 times
[NEED MORE INFO] a patient waiting for a long time Attachment
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[NEED MORE INFO] a patient waiting for a long time Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO] a patient waiting for a long time

Fri Nov 26, 2021 2:04 pm
Hi, I'm going through the forum today marking finished discussions and I've only now noticed that we didn't reply in this one, so I'm sorry for the late reply.

Looking at the patient, it looks like somebody that was shuffled between the clinic, observation and back, so maybe it's just the list of patients shown in the doctor's card that doesn't correctly highlight that the patient is now an active patient of the doctor once again.

When I load the save, the patient will get called to the doctor's office as expected, but I'd guess that you're seeing the same after load and the issue was only present before, right?
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