Project Hospital
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Join date : 2022-01-07

No ambulance cases Empty No ambulance cases

Fri Jan 07, 2022 9:36 pm
I just started and have about 10 hours in making 2 hospital attempts and 1 sandbox zone to practice planning and making layouts. I am almost 40 days in, nearly completed the first 2 insurance companies, even got the new departments in the DLCs and I get 0 ambulance patients still. I have full intensive care and emergency department and some internal medicine offices and still nothing. I am sad that even new saves and grinding missions get me no ambulance patients which costs me $1,000s a day to upkeep.

Emergency and Emergency Hospitalization - All Green
Intensive Care - All Green
Radiology - X-ray and MRI
Internal Medicine - Green(No hospitalization
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Join date : 2022-01-08

No ambulance cases Empty Re: No ambulance cases

Sat Jan 08, 2022 11:28 pm
Hi there dddccx, not sure if this should be the case but I played a bit with your hospital and opened the internal medicine station and voila, all of a sudden your insurrances also show clinic patients and the message clearly states that ambulances were unlocked. In total three goals were unlocked in a row as soon as I hired the last staff member. So I checked, unlocking ambulances is the fourth goal for Liver TY insurance which you alread unlocked. Then just did the test and removed one staff from one of the on call rooms and oh well bye bye ambulance patients. Basically I guess you do need a ward to get ambulance patients. Also apparently the game somehown misregistered the goals for Liver TY insurance.
No ambulance cases 2022-011
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