- Uffemanmedic
- Posts : 1
Reputation : 5
Join date : 2018-08-26
Location : Sweden
Change view direction
Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:03 am
I watched a lot of letsplays for this game on youtube, and I must say I am really looking forward to the release later this year. This game is an instabuy for me.
However, I do have one feature request regarding the iso metric view, and that is that you add rotation buttons similar to the Sim City games, where you let the
player change view direction in 90 degree increments. Like North, West, South, East. It does a lot for the player, and lets you get a fresh look at your creation from different angles.
Any plans to implement that functionality ?
I watched a lot of letsplays for this game on youtube, and I must say I am really looking forward to the release later this year. This game is an instabuy for me.
However, I do have one feature request regarding the iso metric view, and that is that you add rotation buttons similar to the Sim City games, where you let the
player change view direction in 90 degree increments. Like North, West, South, East. It does a lot for the player, and lets you get a fresh look at your creation from different angles.
Any plans to implement that functionality ?
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