Forum rules
Fri Jul 27, 2018 2:02 am
Respect other users. Flamming, abusing, insulting, writing all caps. threatening and any other kind of harassment of other users is strictly forbidden.
No automated messages, advertisements, self-advertisement and other kinds of spam.
No illegal content - no posting of copyrighted material or any kind of illegal content.
No "adult" content - no profanity or pornography. That goes also for harsh pictures of injuries, surgeries and other kinds of rough "medical stuff".
Write only in the relevant topics and subforums. Messages posted in wrong topics will be removed or moved to the right place by moderators.
Colouring topic names and usage of red and blue colors, in general, are reserved for oxymoron games and forum staff members.
Theft or even an attempt to steal someone else's log in details will be punished by permaban instantly.
Impersonating Oxymoron games or forum staff is strictly restricted and will be punished by permaban instantly.
The Oxymoron games staff and admins of this forum reserve the right to change these rules at any moment and without further notice.
Violation of these rules will be penalized according to its severity - from a simple warning to permaban on this forum. No guarantees can be given for equal punishments, as every moderator can judge violations little bit different than other moderators would.
No automated messages, advertisements, self-advertisement and other kinds of spam.
No illegal content - no posting of copyrighted material or any kind of illegal content.
No "adult" content - no profanity or pornography. That goes also for harsh pictures of injuries, surgeries and other kinds of rough "medical stuff".
Write only in the relevant topics and subforums. Messages posted in wrong topics will be removed or moved to the right place by moderators.
Colouring topic names and usage of red and blue colors, in general, are reserved for oxymoron games and forum staff members.
Theft or even an attempt to steal someone else's log in details will be punished by permaban instantly.
Impersonating Oxymoron games or forum staff is strictly restricted and will be punished by permaban instantly.
The Oxymoron games staff and admins of this forum reserve the right to change these rules at any moment and without further notice.
Violation of these rules will be penalized according to its severity - from a simple warning to permaban on this forum. No guarantees can be given for equal punishments, as every moderator can judge violations little bit different than other moderators would.
Re: Forum rules
Wed Aug 15, 2018 10:55 pm
We've had an attempt to steal log in details of one of the beta testers, so I'd like to remind you all: You shall not give your log in details to anyone else or allow anyone else to use your account.
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