Project Hospital
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Join date : 2018-11-06

[OPEN] A ghost ambulance stuck on the emergency unloading bay Empty [OPEN] A ghost ambulance stuck on the emergency unloading bay

Tue Nov 06, 2018 5:45 am
[OPEN] A ghost ambulance stuck on the emergency unloading bay Ph_stu11

This ambulance stays on the emergency unlooading dock for a week.
And my real ambulance is still working. They overlap at the same position when the real one unloads patient.
[OPEN] A ghost ambulance stuck on the emergency unloading bay Attachment
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[OPEN] A ghost ambulance stuck on the emergency unloading bay Attachment
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[OPEN] A ghost ambulance stuck on the emergency unloading bay Empty Re: [OPEN] A ghost ambulance stuck on the emergency unloading bay

Tue Nov 06, 2018 1:46 pm
Hello - thank you for the report, also for the files - we will fix this issue as soon as possible!
Posts : 4
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Join date : 2018-11-06

[OPEN] A ghost ambulance stuck on the emergency unloading bay Empty Re: [OPEN] A ghost ambulance stuck on the emergency unloading bay

Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:08 pm
I had the same happen to me, kinda. When I saw that I didnt have space in the trauma center I wanted to be the good guy and send the patient, while still laying in the brancard right next to the ambulance, to a different hospital. Another ambulance came to pick her up, but the one that brought her to my hospital in the first place stayed there. persistent through reloading the game.
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[OPEN] A ghost ambulance stuck on the emergency unloading bay Empty Re: [OPEN] A ghost ambulance stuck on the emergency unloading bay

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