Project Hospital
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Join date : 2018-08-20
Age : 67
Location : FRANCE RHONE ALPES Ste Colombe

unable to change department to surgical department when in observation room Empty unable to change department to surgical department when in observation room

Wed Nov 07, 2018 10:47 am

i am a message and be stuck when a patient is in observation room  (Nathalie françois) and have surgical symptoms.

When i want to change department for surgical department, i click on surgical but nothing changes (because, perhaps i have no surgical hospitalization ?)

but the two possible diagnostic doesn't need hospitalization !!

Thank you
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Location : Czech republic

unable to change department to surgical department when in observation room Empty Re: unable to change department to surgical department when in observation room

Wed Nov 07, 2018 3:07 pm
Hello - if you want to change department for patient who is hospitalized at emergency (observation), you need to build hospitalization on another (preferable) department - without it, it is impossible.
Cheers Wink
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Join date : 2018-08-20
Age : 67
Location : FRANCE RHONE ALPES Ste Colombe

unable to change department to surgical department when in observation room Empty Re: unable to change department to surgical department when in observation room

Wed Nov 07, 2018 3:14 pm
even if the only diagnostics dont need hospitalization ? It seems to be a little annoying. Is there a way (in the future) to modify this ?

Thank you

P.S. : you really do a good job . I think it is a job with a long time Hippe.
Posts : 347
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Join date : 2018-03-23
Location : Czech republic

unable to change department to surgical department when in observation room Empty Re: unable to change department to surgical department when in observation room

Wed Nov 07, 2018 3:16 pm
Well in the future, maybe we will polish this mechanics - but for now we are involved in higher priority issues.

Thanks for playing and also for the feedback;)
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unable to change department to surgical department when in observation room Empty Re: unable to change department to surgical department when in observation room

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