Project Hospital
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Join date : 2019-01-06

[RESOLVED]Patient ignored by doctor for over a day Empty [RESOLVED]Patient ignored by doctor for over a day

Sun Jan 06, 2019 9:59 pm
Dr Christopher Green goes idle, ignoring all selected examinations for Linda Brown - an emergency patient who arrived via ambulance.
Cancelling and planning new examinations has no effect on the doctors movements, and one cannot change the assigned doctor. Waiting an entire day seems to have had no effect.

This seems very random, as other patients have arrived which have been treated - I do not know how to reproduce this bug.
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Join date : 2018-03-23

[RESOLVED]Patient ignored by doctor for over a day Empty Re: [RESOLVED]Patient ignored by doctor for over a day

Mon Jan 07, 2019 1:55 pm
effleurager wrote:Dr Christopher Green goes idle, ignoring all selected examinations for Linda Brown - an emergency patient who arrived via ambulance.
Cancelling and planning new examinations has no effect on the doctors movements, and one cannot change the assigned doctor. Waiting an entire day seems to have had no effect.

This seems very random, as other patients have arrived which have been treated - I do not know how to reproduce this bug.
Hi, and thank you for your report. Turned out that the treatment prescribed for the patient was not available for emergency doctors. It has been fixed now and will be in the next update. Thank you again for catching this one
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