Project Hospital
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Join date : 2019-02-19

[RESOLVED] Weirdness when assigning staff from staff list window (assign staff from wrong department or multiple staff on one workstation) Empty [RESOLVED] Weirdness when assigning staff from staff list window (assign staff from wrong department or multiple staff on one workstation)

Fri Feb 22, 2019 12:37 am

When in the process of assigning staff to a workstation and clicking on the free dot button, everything goes wrong. For example you can assign a Critical Medicine specialist to an Emergency on-call room. I have also seen a General Surgery doctor to an Internal Medicine on-call room on another save.
It can happen by mistake and be very confusing.
See below for steps to reproduce and screenshot.

If you keep clicking in the list, worse things can happen, like assigning several doctors to the same desk (they would then all sit on the same chair). I couldn't show this with screenshot but maybe someone can do a video ?

Steps to reproduce (first example only) :

  • Have several departments with hospitalization possible (Campaign 1 works well)
  • Go in management mode for emergency service (or another), locate an on-call room with an empty workstation
  • Put your mouse on the empty workstation icon and click on the small three-dot button to see your available staff instead of hiring a new one
  • Click on the big three-dot button to open the staff list window (you should see all the emergency doctors)
  • Click on another department icon at the bottom, the staff list now shows the other department's doctors
  • Click on a doctor portrait from this department

Outcome : this doctor has changed department despite having a different speciality
Expected outcome : it should not do anything

Worse (second problem) :
Without closing the staff list window, you can keep clicking on portraits, it will continue to assign staff to this workstation. All the staff will sit on the same desk.
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Join date : 2018-03-23

[RESOLVED] Weirdness when assigning staff from staff list window (assign staff from wrong department or multiple staff on one workstation) Empty Re: [RESOLVED] Weirdness when assigning staff from staff list window (assign staff from wrong department or multiple staff on one workstation)

Fri Feb 22, 2019 10:57 am
Hi, thanks for the detailed report! I was able to reproduce both issues with the provided steps, fixes are ready for the next patch.

Note: it's 'legal' to assign employees between different departments via the employee card (you can change their specializations later), but it wasn't really intended to happen as a side effect here. Smile
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