Project Hospital
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Posts : 76
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2018-11-12
Age : 42

Update 1.1 order switch reverse Empty Update 1.1 order switch reverse

Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:05 pm

So on the new update, the game asks you to open Radiology before Laboratories. Nothing wrong with that, but for people like myself who only hire interns it now makes the game unplayable.

For me to open Radiology I need a technologist with the Radiology specialization. None of my technologists will have the Radiology specialization until they level up. Between 30% and 90% of patients visiting my clinic are requesting X-ray. Something that I can't provide until a technologist reaches level 2. As a result, I have to turn away more patients than I treat, dropping prestige, dropping the number of patients that visit and the potential payout from each patient and so ultimately losing me money.

In the required time to level up a technologist, I become so far overdrawn that it would take me twice as long to get back into credit, thus making it not worth my time to play. So firstly a question... Why did the order change? As there's a natural progression with levelling up staff surely the department with no requirements should be the first one to open. Secondly the suggestion, change it back please so that I can enjoy the new update and the things that have been added into the game and new challenges.

Thank you
Posts : 76
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2018-11-12
Age : 42

Update 1.1 order switch reverse Empty Re: Update 1.1 order switch reverse

Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:15 pm
Update 1.1 order switch reverse Patien10

There you go, that's just a very typical day
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