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[OPEN] Bug on payment Empty [OPEN] Bug on payment

Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:14 pm
Hi dev team Smile

As I've told you on steam, I have an issue of unpayment regarding some patients who leave my hospital without paying.

I invite you to refer yourself to my explanation directly on steam for the "context" of the issue.

I've succedeed to find a "thief". I got you some screenshots Smile :

- in "Emilie 1", you can see Emilie Roussel going to take a seat in the waiting room for an angiography
- in "Emilie 2", you can see she's waiting for her angiography
- in "Emilie 3", you can see that she's getting her angiography
- in "Emilie 4", you can see that she's willing to get back to her seat
From this moment, technically she should go back to the waiting room of the doctor's office, then go see the doctor, then pay and leave.
BUT in this situation, Emilie Roussel went to the bathroom between "Emilie 4" and "Emilie 5" and you can see in "Emilie 5" that she decided to leave after her lady time, with an happy smile above her head, but without paying me.
That's the problem, and it happens Always when they have received a cure for their main illness before going to other exams (in this case, she got the cure for the french "Artérite à cellules géantes" before going to the angiography).

If I Don't put the main illness in the spot for "final diagnosis", that problem doesn't occur. It only happens when the final diagnosis is on PLUS the main cure has been given.
It does happen if I control them or not.

Thanks for your help on this matter Smile

Best from Luna
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Join date : 2018-03-23

[OPEN] Bug on payment Empty Re: [OPEN] Bug on payment

Tue Jul 02, 2019 5:01 pm
Hi Luna, welcome to the forums thanks for the bug report! We'll try to reproduce this, the steps seem to be clear enough (we'll let you know if we need a save file, but I'll be asking for one in the second bug report thread anyway Smile ).
Posts : 2309
Reputation : 336
Join date : 2018-03-23

[OPEN] Bug on payment Empty Re: [OPEN] Bug on payment

Thu Jul 04, 2019 7:03 pm
We're testing a possible fix for the next patch, just double-checking there are no side effects. Smile
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[OPEN] Bug on payment Empty Re: [OPEN] Bug on payment

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