Project Hospital
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Posts : 209
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Join date : 2018-11-21

[OPEN LOW] Is this a bug? Empty [OPEN LOW] Is this a bug?

Wed Apr 08, 2020 1:10 am
This patient took me a bit to uncover the symptom leading to collapse and thus his heart failed at least once (with revival). I increased staffing on the doctor side of ICU since it appeared to be contributing to treatment taking longer than desired. He received treatment, then was promptly moved out of his functional ICU room into another functioning room, was treated and then shortly thereafter heart failed again and died. Doesn't make sense he was moved, additionally, is this multiple heart failure w/icon in patient card a bug? Can a patient heart fail multiple times in game? thanks. (pic of patient included)
[OPEN LOW] Is this a bug? JJusGA8
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Join date : 2018-03-23

[OPEN LOW] Is this a bug? Empty Re: [OPEN LOW] Is this a bug?

Wed Apr 08, 2020 3:04 pm
Hi, looking at the symptoms popping up more than once, that's normal - if there's still the underlying cause present, the patient is getting worse and can collapse again (in this case with another heart failure, so the staff will need to perform another defibrillation).

It looks like there's still a minor bug causing unnecessary transport in some cases, let me check if we still have it on our list (my best guess is this got fixed, but there might be still some specific case where it still happens).
Posts : 209
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2018-11-21

[OPEN LOW] Is this a bug? Empty Re: [OPEN LOW] Is this a bug?

Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:07 pm
Ok. thanks. The spontaneous room movement really through me off in the whole situation.
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[OPEN LOW] Is this a bug? Empty Re: [OPEN LOW] Is this a bug?

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