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Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons Empty Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons

Tue Oct 22, 2019 3:38 pm
(list of parameters for configuring custom icons for medical stuff and new departments)

Departments have 7 different icon versions:

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Character card - the big icon show for patients and staff and when switching departments


Hiring card - doctors and department selection, version for light background is used in diagnoses table, patient's table


Smaller version for management mode




Diagnoses and symptoms, examinations and treatments
There are two sizes of the icons, so they can be perfectly sharp in 1080p resolution for the three different sizes shown in patient's card. The smallest one is actually the big icon resized to exactly 50%.


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Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons Empty Re: Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons

Fri Nov 01, 2019 5:52 pm
RE: Skills icons - It's become clear that the two lines of code don't cover all uses of the custom skill icon. There are still a few instances where the game is trying to call for another reference and can't find it, thus using the default 'pause' icon. The instances I've found:

Staff Character Card - The pop up dialog box for the custom specialization
Staff Character Card - When changing the specialization

These are two I've noticed and just wondered if there's another line of code to be added? The only work around for this I've found is using the standard <IconIndex> code for these other instances but obviously that limits you to vanilla icons.
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Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons Empty Re: Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons

Mon Nov 04, 2019 4:13 pm
MoominLittlesocks wrote:RE: Skills icons - It's become clear that the two lines of code don't cover all uses of the custom skill icon. There are still a few instances where the game is trying to call for another reference and can't find it, thus using the default 'pause' icon. The instances I've found:

Staff Character Card - The pop up dialog box for the custom specialization
Staff Character Card - When changing the specialization

These are two I've noticed and just wondered if there's another line of code to be added? The only work around for this I've found is using the standard <IconIndex> code for these other instances but obviously that limits you to vanilla icons.

Hi, thanks for spotting these, I thought we managed to test everything everywhere! Smile Should be a quick fix in either case.
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Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons Empty Re: Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons

Mon Nov 04, 2019 5:12 pm
No problem. Just let me know when you've solved it so I can implement it Smile
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Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons Empty Re: Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons

Tue Nov 12, 2019 3:30 pm
Hi, this should be now in the game (version 1.1.17383)
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Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons Empty Re: Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons

Fri Dec 06, 2019 10:25 am
Hi, just wondering if support for adding custom index icons will be available in the future? No rush of course but I have noticed that you are limited to the stock icons at the moment which naturally won't match up to the custom symptom or treatment icons (unless there is some special way to add these I am unaware of?). This is most obvious when using the tooltip popup to look at the description of a diagnosis as the icon on the right hand side of the name is the icon index and not the custom icon (same for the department part).
Sorry if this is something you've already discussed elsewhere.

I have noticed this is not the case in the diagnosis table (opened from the patient card), it shows my custom icons. Hope that helps. I have noticed this is only relevant to 'possible diagnosis ' tool tips and 'avaliable treatment' tooltips, symptom tooltips do appear to be working and showing the correct custom icon in the tooltip.

Last edited by sleepy068 on Fri Dec 06, 2019 12:41 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : More testing has further defined the problem)
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Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons Empty Re: Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons

Fri Dec 06, 2019 2:58 pm
Hi, thanks for spotting this, there are tens of different places in code that fill the icons in the UI and that needed to be updated for the custom icons, so it's possible we missed a few. Hopefully an easy fix that could make its way to the next patch.
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Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons Empty Re: Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons

Tue Jan 21, 2020 12:46 pm
Hi Jan,

Sorry to bother you again but I have also noticed a similar issue as touched on above, this time with the diagnoses. I am not 100% sure but it doesn't actually look like the diagnosis are using the small icon asset at times? I've noticed, in the possible diagnosis panel that all my assets look double the size of the stock ones. I have also noticed that when I click on a stock diagnosis, it becomes larger in the 'final diagnosis' tab of the patient card but this does not happen for ones I've added. The size of my asset doesn't seem to change at all and that sort of tells me the game might only be using one of these assets somehow.

Not sure if this is maybe something I've mucked up? I do use the same asset for diagnoses as their main symptom and the main symptom seems to work fine so I've definitely got the two sizes (roughly 51px by 51px for large and 25px by 25px for the small).
None the less, thank you, you guys are doing an amazing job and I know you are under the pump so there is no rush on this.

I've provided a screenshot below (Includes example of previous post issue)(Note main symptom is the uses the same icons as diagnosis in red box)

Last edited by sleepy068 on Sat Mar 14, 2020 5:11 am; edited 1 time in total
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Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons Empty Re: Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons

Sat Mar 14, 2020 1:15 am
It would also be interesting if there was a list where all the icons would be in it because then you would know that you should also write down at iconindex always guess ^^
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Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons Empty Re: Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons

Mon Mar 16, 2020 10:53 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Hi, if you download the "helpful files" zip from , there's a psd with the icons and a layer with all the icon index numbers - that's what we use ourselves.
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Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons Empty Re: Modding tutorial - Medical Database - Custom icons

Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:28 pm
OMG, i love you so much Jan Smile <3

Thank you so very much, that help alot and i can finish my Mod Smile

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