Project Hospital
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Join date : 2019-11-17

[OPEN] Sofa can not be moved/deleted; in use Empty [OPEN] Sofa can not be moved/deleted; in use

Sun Nov 17, 2019 11:21 am
Description: In campaign 2 I aimed to make the hospital more efficient cheaply with extensive use of the move tool. However 2 sofas in common rooms have become unmovable due to being in use. One of them cleared by itself, but the other has not done so. I waited until night shift and some employees have been using the sofa as if it only had one seat and the other seat would be occupied. There are similar reports on the forums, but they seem to be from last year. Also patch 6 seems to have addressed this somewhat, but I'm running 1.1.19, so maybe the bug resurfaced?
I have 2 save files, one from before noticing the problem and one after it. However it seems the problem exists in both saves.

On a tinkering note, it would be nice to have a way of seeing who is using any object. That way confirming this kind of bugs or why some task is taking a long time would be easier.
[OPEN] Sofa can not be moved/deleted; in use Attachment
20191117113653_1.jpg Screenshot of the offending objectYou don't have permission to download attachments.(715 Kb) Downloaded 2 times
[OPEN] Sofa can not be moved/deleted; in use Attachment 2 save files and the log. The log might have a lot of garbage as I let the game run for a while to confirm the bug.You don't have permission to download attachments.(2.7 Mb) Downloaded 1 times
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[OPEN] Sofa can not be moved/deleted; in use Empty Re: [OPEN] Sofa can not be moved/deleted; in use

Mon Nov 18, 2019 5:10 pm
Hi, thanks for the detailed report and welcome to the forums! Smile

After a bit of debugging it seems that nurse Linda Harris is the culprit still having the sofa reserved, firing her should be a workaround for now (the reservation will get cancelled as soon as she leaves the map). I'm guessing this might have something to do with a recent issue with nurses ending in unexpected states, I'll let you know if we confirm this.

Btw - it's true we have some rough development tools that let us look under the hood and personally I'd love to make a few of these available, but they'd need quite a bit of polish before they'd be really useful, so no idea if (and when) this becomes a priority.
Posts : 2
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Join date : 2019-11-17

[OPEN] Sofa can not be moved/deleted; in use Empty Re: [OPEN] Sofa can not be moved/deleted; in use

Mon Nov 18, 2019 7:56 pm
Thanks for the quick reply! I'll try the workaround when life permits me to have time to play again.

I completely understand the priorities. Maybe a modder might be interested in making the tools as a mod? I have no experience in program developement so my ideas may be really bad.
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[OPEN] Sofa can not be moved/deleted; in use Empty Re: [OPEN] Sofa can not be moved/deleted; in use

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