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[RESOLVED] Emergency Department - Cant find "Regular Hospitalization" that is available. Empty [RESOLVED] Emergency Department - Cant find "Regular Hospitalization" that is available.

Thu Mar 19, 2020 4:15 am

There seems to be a bug for patients in Emergency finding available beds?
The bug seems to come from failure to switch the patients from the current department to the correct one. In this case the patient should be assigned to cardiology.

Side Question, not sure if this is intentional or a bug, when doctors discover patient symptoms they do not treat all of the symptoms, and often too late treating them, leading to death? Should they not start treatment as they get discovered?

Thank you.
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[RESOLVED] Emergency Department - Cant find "Regular Hospitalization" that is available. Empty Re: [RESOLVED] Emergency Department - Cant find "Regular Hospitalization" that is available.

Thu Mar 19, 2020 11:06 am
mrdkvv wrote:Hello,

There seems to be a bug for patients in Emergency finding available beds?
The bug seems to come from failure to switch the patients from the current department to the correct one. In this case the patient should be assigned to cardiology.

Side Question, not sure if this is intentional or a bug, when doctors discover patient symptoms they do not treat all of the symptoms, and often too late treating them, leading to death? Should they not start treatment as they get discovered?

Thank you.

Hi and thank you for your report. I looked at your save and everything seems to work as it should. Patients are transferred to cardiology normally. But the regular ward is pretty full. So what might have happened is that the ward was full at some point. In that case there is s popup telling you that there is no more rooms. Might this be the case?

And doctors are treating critical symptoms once they are discovered so patients don't die. But there might still be a hidden symptom (pulsing icon)that is killing your patients?

Thank you for any additional information. Have a great day
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[RESOLVED] Emergency Department - Cant find "Regular Hospitalization" that is available. Empty Re: [RESOLVED] Emergency Department - Cant find "Regular Hospitalization" that is available.

Thu Mar 19, 2020 1:32 pm
Hi, I didn't realize Ondrej was looking at the save at the same time, so here's just a short comment about the patient from the ambulance:

This looks like a very unusual case - the patient must have walked in a few days before, got hospitalized and later released and now returns (probably because of an incorrect diagnosis) in a worse state. When I open the save, he gets transported to cardiology and his department gets switched then (a bit too late, but he doesn't get stuck). Does it look the same on your side? We can have a look at the rules in the meantime.
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[RESOLVED] Emergency Department - Cant find "Regular Hospitalization" that is available. Empty Re: [RESOLVED] Emergency Department - Cant find "Regular Hospitalization" that is available.

Thu Mar 19, 2020 2:11 pm

Your prompt support is awesome!

I've attache a screen shot of the "Patient in question" -> "Gregor Carr".

It was the end of my day so i didn't play, till now.

Events as I know:
1) Enters Emergency
2) Gets symptoms identified
3) I get an Alert "Regular Hospitalization" is not available in department?  <-- Wrong --  Emergency does not have this ward, he should have been transferred to the "Cardio" first before raising the Alert.
Playing out ignoring the warning.
4) He collapse due to lack of treatment... Sad
5) Gets transferred to cardio but seconds after gets put in intensive care <-- is this as it still thinks 'Cardio" is is not available?

Hope this helps ...
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[RESOLVED] Emergency Department - Cant find "Regular Hospitalization" that is available. Empty Re: [RESOLVED] Emergency Department - Cant find "Regular Hospitalization" that is available.

Thu Mar 19, 2020 8:32 pm

New information + New patient with same issue (Lynn Atkinson):
1) I - 100% - removed the old Cardio department and moved it to a new floor.
2) Patient "Warning" came even before they got in the hospital (just getting out of the ambulance)
3) It's the Cardio department again ( Something wrong with this department, letting patches move in? )
4) Free beds in Cardio Regular and Intensive care available.
5) New Save attached.
6) New Screenshot of warning attached.
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[RESOLVED] Emergency Department - Cant find "Regular Hospitalization" that is available. Empty Re: [RESOLVED] Emergency Department - Cant find "Regular Hospitalization" that is available.

Fri Mar 20, 2020 12:42 pm
Hi, thanks a lot for the updates! I think I'll run the save for a few days to try catch the problem as it is happening, if I load the latest one, the patient is already assigned to cardiology and transported to a ward. Do you think you might still have an autosave from before the last patient appears?

I have one possible explanation, if patients get some lab tests started right before they get released from hospitalization, they will try to come back the next day for results just like clinic patients, but they get brought in an ambulance. If this is confirmed to be the case, we'll try to fix it for the next patch.

Edit 2:
Yes, looks like it was the lab, hotfixed version should be up now.
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[RESOLVED] Emergency Department - Cant find "Regular Hospitalization" that is available. Empty Re: [RESOLVED] Emergency Department - Cant find "Regular Hospitalization" that is available.

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