Project Hospital
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[NEED MORE INFO] Graphic Issues / Layering of items Empty [NEED MORE INFO] Graphic Issues / Layering of items

Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:51 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
After placing a computer and pick up the whole desk with this computer and replace it, there are some positions which break the layering order.

Screenshots can be found HERE
[NEED MORE INFO] Graphic Issues / Layering of items Attachment
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[NEED MORE INFO] Graphic Issues / Layering of items Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO] Graphic Issues / Layering of items

Mon Apr 27, 2020 5:25 pm
Hi, thanks for the report! Actually - if you manage to find any details, when it starts happening, that would be so much appreciated. We already have a few similar reports, but we never managed to break it on our side, regardless of which version of the game we try, regardless of camera rotation etc. (it's supposed to only happen in one camera angle, but it's really hard to tell).
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[NEED MORE INFO] Graphic Issues / Layering of items Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO] Graphic Issues / Layering of items

Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:42 pm
Was a fix for this ever found as I appear to also have this issue. Thanks
Posts : 2309
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Join date : 2018-03-23

[NEED MORE INFO] Graphic Issues / Layering of items Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO] Graphic Issues / Layering of items

Mon Jun 08, 2020 10:50 am
Hi, we identified a combination of a mod (more floors) and camera rotation to be the only case when this seems to happen - if you don't have a hospital with more than 5 floors, you can try to uninstall the mod and check if it still happens. If you don't have the mod installed, we'd be back to a bit of a mystery. Smile
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[NEED MORE INFO] Graphic Issues / Layering of items Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO] Graphic Issues / Layering of items

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