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[RESOLVED NOT A BUG]Toilets & Vending Machines Have Thought Bubbles. Empty [RESOLVED NOT A BUG]Toilets & Vending Machines Have Thought Bubbles.

Thu Apr 30, 2020 6:24 pm

I notice that after the new dlc/update - my toilets and vending machines have thought bubbles of the person that is gonna be using it before they arrive.

[RESOLVED NOT A BUG]Toilets & Vending Machines Have Thought Bubbles. Toilet11
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[RESOLVED NOT A BUG]Toilets & Vending Machines Have Thought Bubbles. Empty Re: [RESOLVED NOT A BUG]Toilets & Vending Machines Have Thought Bubbles.

Fri May 01, 2020 12:24 pm
As you've already noticed those bubbles of shared space items means person who will use this item Smile It's not a bug and this feature was in game before. I'm not sure if it is helpful for someone and the bubble form confuses me too but it is what it is)

I guess it could be helpful if you decide to delete a reserved item and will be guessing by whom reservation was made.
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[RESOLVED NOT A BUG]Toilets & Vending Machines Have Thought Bubbles. Empty Thank you

Fri May 01, 2020 6:03 pm
Ok, thank you didn't notice it before, but thank you.
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[RESOLVED NOT A BUG]Toilets & Vending Machines Have Thought Bubbles. Empty Re: [RESOLVED NOT A BUG]Toilets & Vending Machines Have Thought Bubbles.

Fri May 01, 2020 6:16 pm
It can be useful for monitoring how busy a room is without constantly going into build to see if they're green.

For example, if you have three toilet cubicles and they *constantly* have bubbles above them, it would indicate you need more toilets.
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[RESOLVED NOT A BUG]Toilets & Vending Machines Have Thought Bubbles. Empty Re: [RESOLVED NOT A BUG]Toilets & Vending Machines Have Thought Bubbles.

Mon May 04, 2020 10:53 am
Bobbo662 wrote:Hi.

I notice that after the new dlc/update - my toilets and vending machines have thought bubbles of the person that is gonna be using it before they arrive.

[RESOLVED NOT A BUG]Toilets & Vending Machines Have Thought Bubbles. Toilet11

Hi, yes this is not a bug, but a feature:) Like it was mentioned here, it helps you keep track how busy your toilets are and to give you feedback what is already reserved and will be used, and you can see why some characters are using toilets that are further away. Have a great day
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[RESOLVED NOT A BUG]Toilets & Vending Machines Have Thought Bubbles. Empty Re: [RESOLVED NOT A BUG]Toilets & Vending Machines Have Thought Bubbles.

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