Project Hospital
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[RESOLVED]Repeatedly calling patient Empty [RESOLVED]Repeatedly calling patient

Fri Jun 12, 2020 11:04 pm
Patient (Lisa Jackson in save game) is repeatedly called to doctor's office after releasing patient to waiting room.

Repro steps
Use attached save game. The cause is probably combination of opened night clinic and closed other diagnostic departments (radiology and medical laboratories).

Project Hospital 1.2.20333
Doctor mode DLC
Hospital services DLC


  • save game
  • outout log
Posts : 605
Reputation : 55
Join date : 2018-03-23

[RESOLVED]Repeatedly calling patient Empty Re: [RESOLVED]Repeatedly calling patient

Mon Jun 15, 2020 10:59 am
juraj.horvath wrote:Description
Patient (Lisa Jackson in save game) is repeatedly called to doctor's office after releasing patient to waiting room.

Repro steps
Use attached save game. The cause is probably combination of opened night clinic and closed other diagnostic departments (radiology and medical laboratories).

Project Hospital 1.2.20333
Doctor mode DLC
Hospital services DLC


  • save game
  • outout log

Hi and thank you for your report and catching this. We were able to find the problem and the fix will be in the next patch. It is actually caused by one of the previous fixes introduced in the latest patch. Patient is trying to deliver a sample to the lab, but there is nobody there and instead of waiting gets called back to the doctors office. Hiring someone to the night lab, will work as a workaround. Thank you again and sorry for the inconvenience. Have a great day
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