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[QUESTION] stuck patients and doctors Empty [QUESTION] stuck patients and doctors

Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:13 am
Hi, i was told to upload my saved game and log here. I haven't played the game because if I keep playing more doctors and patients will start getting stuck.
[QUESTION] stuck patients and doctors Attachment
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[QUESTION] stuck patients and doctors Empty Re: [QUESTION] stuck patients and doctors

Thu Jul 23, 2020 3:21 pm
Hi, thanks for the message and for joining the forum!

Looking at the save, both patients need to provide a urine sample, but there's no toilet nearby - I think the only toilet at emergency is behind the cafeteria a few floors up and not accessible to patients. Could you check if building an accessible restroom fixes this?
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[QUESTION] stuck patients and doctors Empty Re: [QUESTION] stuck patients and doctors

Thu Jul 23, 2020 3:53 pm
Yes, the restroom is zoned for emergency and it doesn't have door through it, so anyone can walk there.

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[QUESTION] stuck patients and doctors Empty Re: [QUESTION] stuck patients and doctors

Thu Jul 23, 2020 3:55 pm
Take a look
[QUESTION] stuck patients and doctors Lwdypcz
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[QUESTION] stuck patients and doctors Empty Re: [QUESTION] stuck patients and doctors

Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:15 pm
Hi, thanks for the update - having double checked how exactly the selection works in this case, the patients are looking for a toilet on the same floor and if there's none, then also on the ground floor (no difference in this case). I'll have a look if we can easily extend this (the change would then make its way to the next patch), in the meantime you can build a restroom on the ground floor should help as a workaround.
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[QUESTION] stuck patients and doctors Empty Re: [QUESTION] stuck patients and doctors

Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:02 pm
hey I did that and it solved the problem with the peeps in the Emergency ground floor but it also solved the problem for the guy on the 2nd floor General Surgery. Seems like some proximity bug.

So it seems that I don't have to build a bathroom for every floor now. I don't know but this really ruins my entire build now for his hospital.
Posts : 2309
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Join date : 2018-03-23

[QUESTION] stuck patients and doctors Empty Re: [QUESTION] stuck patients and doctors

Fri Jul 24, 2020 1:00 pm
Hi, thanks for the update - I wasn't even aware there was another patient with the issue (if you link to the thread on Steam I can double-check that too). (:
Anyway, the upcoming fix should solve the problem for both cases without the need of building additional bathrooms.
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[QUESTION] stuck patients and doctors Empty Re: [QUESTION] stuck patients and doctors

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