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Join date : 2018-11-26

So What's The Plan for Pulmonary Laceration? Empty So What's The Plan for Pulmonary Laceration?

Tue Jul 28, 2020 10:07 am
I noticed that pulmonary laceration was removed after the patch where the IM surgery was replaced with special procedure room.

What I know is that at least in some countries, cardiothoracic surgeons handle lungs. And from what I read, only a minority of the lung laceration case requires surgery.

Any plans to reintroduce pulmonary laceration?
Posts : 25
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Join date : 2020-02-04

So What's The Plan for Pulmonary Laceration? Empty Re: So What's The Plan for Pulmonary Laceration?

Wed Jul 29, 2020 1:18 pm
Yes, Pulmonary Laceration is temporarily removed but it will be returned as a part of new content in the future ;-).
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