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Join date : 2019-06-06

Modding <ExaminationType> Empty Modding <ExaminationType>

Tue Aug 04, 2020 11:41 am
So I was just wandering if we could switch an examination from <ExaminationType>EXAMINATION</ExaminationType>



in order for it to follow a procedure script. Would the game code allow for this to happen? Or do all examinations have to be <ExaminationType>EXAMINATION</ExaminationType>?

Thank you in advance.

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Modding <ExaminationType> Empty Re: Modding <ExaminationType>

Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:53 am
Hi, I'm going through some posts in the modder's section of the forum and I've only noticed this question, so sorry for the late reply. Smile

If I remember correctly, examination type is just a remainder from an old version of the game, when observation wasn't on the list of treatments but on the list of examinations and this parameter was used to distinguish it from the rest.

But yes, there is also a parameter that determines the procedure (script) used, there are a few different versions, for example:
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