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[RESOLVED] Bugged text description for Opthalmoscopy Empty [RESOLVED] Bugged text description for Opthalmoscopy

Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:06 am
Bugged text description in hover box for Ophthalmoscopy.  Seemed to do the same on both available and active exams.

[RESOLVED] Bugged text description for Opthalmoscopy 20201010
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[RESOLVED] Bugged text description for Opthalmoscopy Empty Re: [RESOLVED] Bugged text description for Opthalmoscopy

Wed Oct 21, 2020 10:27 am
Hi, thanks a lot for catching this (and welcome to the forum)! The text is supposed to change when you have traumatology installed, but it looks like a mistake was made when filling in the database. A fix should be included in the next patch.
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