Project Hospital
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Prefab that can be used in multiple departments? Empty Prefab that can be used in multiple departments?

Wed Dec 08, 2021 6:33 am
For example, ultrasound laboratories are used in many clinical departments.
Do I have to register multiple identical user prefabs?
It's obviously annoying. However, it may be unavoidable due to the design of the game system.

Is it possible to make one prefab available to multiple departments by editing the prefab xml file?
Or, instead of saving the prefab many times in the game, can I copy the prefab xml file and rewrite and use only the department settings?
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Prefab that can be used in multiple departments? Empty Re: Prefab that can be used in multiple departments?

Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:46 pm
Hi, I think the reason here is that the sonography units at different departments are actually different rooms, even with some small differences that match what examinations can be done at each department, so I'm afraid you'd need a different prefab for each.

The way we optimized this in one of the updates was to include a sonography unit at radiology, it gets shared between all other departments which makes better use of your staff. Also, you can build more of them on different floors to make them quickly accessible where needed.
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Prefab that can be used in multiple departments? Empty Re: Prefab that can be used in multiple departments?

Wed Feb 08, 2023 4:54 pm
In my last hospital, I researched what is required, for example, in a doctor's office in each department, and then built a prefab doctor's office that has everything that every department needs in their doctor's offices so I can use the same prefab doctor's office in every department.  

I did the same with the sonography rooms and the cardiology rooms.

Obviously, you don't want to do this if you're playing the game in competitive mode because you're wasting money on unnecessary equipment, but I mainly play to be creative and build weird hospitals (like my hospital that's on a platform 6 stories above the ground accessible by a elevator pillar in the center, lol).
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Prefab that can be used in multiple departments? Empty Re: Prefab that can be used in multiple departments?

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