Project Hospital
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[QUESTION] Doctors on internal medicine ward not taking breaks Empty [QUESTION] Doctors on internal medicine ward not taking breaks

Tue Jan 25, 2022 10:56 pm
Hi guys,
already reported this on steam, now here comes the official report.

I observed that my doctors even when idle for longer periods and their needs are completely depleted they won´t take breaks to fill the needs up. They are not reserverd for anything, their state just says idle. Doctors in question in this savegame are Joseph Jäger and Linda Leistikow. Joseph is idle, thirsti and with pressure on his bladder and break need is down to two stars. Linda is busy but her needs are depleted and she will go idle soon without fulfilling them.

My observation was, that they both tend to rarely like max one time during their shift go to the toilet or to a vending machine maybe but nothing else.

I do have two mods which I included. One of them introduces two additional insurrance companies, Steam ID 1937156008. The other was my first mod for the game not yet released as I don´t yet own the game on Steam but only on GOG and don´t have steam workshop access. It is just adding some German names for immersion. Hopefully one day I will release some of my mods Smile

Appreciate your help!

Edit: I apparently can´t upload my file of about 2MB. Error message:
Could not upload file : exceeded total storage space. (Free space : 290)
Any clue?
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[QUESTION] Doctors on internal medicine ward not taking breaks Empty Re: [QUESTION] Doctors on internal medicine ward not taking breaks

Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:37 pm
Hi, thanks for the report and sorry about the attachments, we keep running out of storage on the forum, but I managed to clear some space, so feel free to try again. With a mod or two I should be hopefully able to load the save and have a look at the staff members you mentioned.
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[QUESTION] Doctors on internal medicine ward not taking breaks Empty Re: [QUESTION] Doctors on internal medicine ward not taking breaks

Wed Jan 26, 2022 5:46 pm
No worries, thanks for cleaning up. Attached the savefile now.

What I observed, even though both Joseph Jäger and Linda Leistikow have about two hours of free time, Joseph manages to go to toilet and eat once each after half an hour of being idle and Linda just eats once. In my non-ward departments all doctors and other staff just wait for a split second if one of their needs is depleted and no work is in sight and then just fulfill their needs.
[QUESTION] Doctors on internal medicine ward not taking breaks Attachment
Project Hospital bug You don't have permission to download attachments.(2.2 Mb) Downloaded 1 times
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Join date : 2018-03-23

[QUESTION] Doctors on internal medicine ward not taking breaks Empty Re: [QUESTION] Doctors on internal medicine ward not taking breaks

Thu Jan 27, 2022 2:04 pm
Hi, ok, so after a quick look I have an explanation - not exactly a bug, but a result of how the rules work in this specific situation:

Doctors working in the on-call room stay on standby while there are patients with scheduled examinations. This is also the case here, normally these doctors would go take care of their patients immediately, but the problem is the CT. Both patients are actually waiting for a CT scan while there's nobody at radiology working the night shift at the machine, but from the point of view of the doctors these are still patients with planned examinations that they need to be available for. Let me try to figure out if there's an easy way to take in account the department that performs the individual examinations, in the meantime hiring a night shift CT operator should fix the problem.
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Join date : 2022-01-08

[QUESTION] Doctors on internal medicine ward not taking breaks Empty Re: [QUESTION] Doctors on internal medicine ward not taking breaks

Thu Jan 27, 2022 4:39 pm
Oh cool, thanks for the explanation Jan.

Here is my side of the story: I really enjoy the game. As it is my first time playing I decided to play it hardcore to learn the ropes. I roleplay a teaching university style hospital  study where I try to hire only level one staff. I have plans on writing a nice guide some time on such kind of a hospital as I really enjoy it. During nightshift all radiology is actually run by one guy that I send around as needed manually. I am still waiting for my scrubs working in the labs to level up so I can assign one of them to each empty room that my poor guy covers alone atm.
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[QUESTION] Doctors on internal medicine ward not taking breaks Empty Re: [QUESTION] Doctors on internal medicine ward not taking breaks

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