Project Hospital
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Join date : 2018-08-02

Patient and Disease Mechanics Empty Patient and Disease Mechanics

Wed Aug 08, 2018 9:29 am
Hi there,

So I've mainly got several questions in regards to how patients and diseases are going to work in the game, if anyone would be willing to indulge.

- When patients arrive will they be there for the one injury or disease that is bothering them, or can they be treated for multiple diseases or injuries? I might be applying just my experiences in the healthcare system a bit too much, but many times we aren't just treating one specific problem of a patient, and we end up treating the many we can find. If this is the case, would we also be dealing with continuity in regards to progression of certain illness and injuries, for example working a code, which results from a STEMI, which progressed from Angina, and all started with risk factors like hypertension or CAD. Could we also be treating a patient for one problem and end up finding an entirely different issue (Leg pain, and then we find a PE (Pulmonary Embolism))

-Will we sometimes see the same patients within the hospital on separate occasions with the ability to look at past medical history of decisions (maybe a simplified view showing a player what the patient was treated for, and who treated him/her)? While it may be too advanced at this stage, one can definetly learn a lot from a patients past medical history, and it can also help with deciphering problems with staff, if the wrong course of action was undertaken by a certain healthcare professional.

- Is the system for diagnosis different depending on if the patient is injured or ill?
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Join date : 2018-03-29
Age : 36
Location : Denmark

Patient and Disease Mechanics Empty Re: Patient and Disease Mechanics

Wed Aug 08, 2018 11:10 am
Hi Mbouanani,

The diagnostic system is very complex, but not that complex. Patients have symptoms that fit one and only one diagnosis. The game caters to layman and isn't meant to be a in-depth challenge for medical professionals (even though I wish it was Very Happy)
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Location : Glasgow

Patient and Disease Mechanics Empty Re: Patient and Disease Mechanics

Wed Aug 08, 2018 11:39 am
Dysp wrote:Hi Mbouanani,

The diagnostic system is very complex, but not that complex. Patients have symptoms that fit one and only one diagnosis. The game caters to layman and isn't meant to be a in-depth challenge for medical professionals (even though I wish it was Very Happy)

How involved is it, can it function with minimal player involvement?
Posts : 86
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Join date : 2018-03-29
Age : 36
Location : Denmark

Patient and Disease Mechanics Empty Re: Patient and Disease Mechanics

Wed Aug 08, 2018 12:21 pm
QEUH wrote:
Dysp wrote:Hi Mbouanani,

The diagnostic system is very complex, but not that complex. Patients have symptoms that fit one and only one diagnosis. The game caters to layman and isn't meant to be a in-depth challenge for medical professionals (even though I wish it was Very Happy)

How involved is it, can it function with minimal player involvement?

Yes it can. Smile
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