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[RESOLVED] Patient cant fully treated?? but he cane!! Empty [RESOLVED] Patient cant fully treated?? but he cane!!

Sun Nov 11, 2018 2:14 pm

i have the problem that occasionally patients in the ICU cant be fully treated. For this example they just need to send the patient to the Cardiology to treat her, but they didn't do that and because that they send them to another hospital and this makes no sense.

[RESOLVED] Patient cant fully treated?? but he cane!! 20181116
[RESOLVED] Patient cant fully treated?? but he cane!! 20181115
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Join date : 2018-11-12

[RESOLVED] Patient cant fully treated?? but he cane!! Empty Re: [RESOLVED] Patient cant fully treated?? but he cane!!

Mon Nov 12, 2018 4:34 pm
Can they be transferred to a department that runs the unit needed for the treatment?, e.g. Surgical? Isn’t cardiology under that team? Usually a greyed out item means the treatment is not available in the current department. The drop down tips can often help to solve the mystery. It drives me nuts too when I can’t figure out why the obvious isn’t happening. Good luck!
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Location : Czech republic

[RESOLVED] Patient cant fully treated?? but he cane!! Empty Re: [RESOLVED] Patient cant fully treated?? but he cane!!

Thu Nov 15, 2018 6:08 pm
Thanks for the report! We will make possible to prescribe "vasodilators" at ICU - it will be in future patch Wink
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[RESOLVED] Patient cant fully treated?? but he cane!! Empty Re: [RESOLVED] Patient cant fully treated?? but he cane!!

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