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Join date : 2018-12-29

[QUESTION] Resolution and texture sizes issue Empty [QUESTION] Resolution and texture sizes issue

Sat Dec 29, 2018 9:37 pm
I'm running the game on a Macbook Air late 2010 with macos 10.13.6.
At low resolution (i.e 800x500) letters are readable but things like windows and menus overlap each other, and other things won't even fit in the window, making it impossible to make selections.
At high resolution (1440x900) letters become tiny, and because they are blurry they become unreadable.
I noticed one thing though: if i start the game in window mode at low res, then i click on the top-left green button to make it full screen, then the resolution automatically becomes 1440x900 - which is the maximum for my screen - and the blurriness magically disappears, making the image quality perfect, as it should.

P.s: the game is incredibly glitchy, and I can't imagine it's a hardware issue, since my MacBook Air can even run Call of Duty modern warfare.
[QUESTION] Resolution and texture sizes issue Attachment
res 800x500.png You don't have permission to download attachments.(750 Kb) Downloaded 3 times
[QUESTION] Resolution and texture sizes issue Attachment
res 1280x800.png You don't have permission to download attachments.(998 Kb) Downloaded 10 times
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Join date : 2018-03-23

[QUESTION] Resolution and texture sizes issue Empty Re: [QUESTION] Resolution and texture sizes issue

Mon Jan 14, 2019 2:25 pm
Hi, thanks for the report and for figuring out the workaround, one other option to adjust the UI size is disabling 'automatic UI scale' in options, then you can tweak the 'UI scale' slider.

Regarding the hardware, MacBook Air from 2010 ( only seems the have a Core 2 Duo CPU, which is quite a bit below minimal requirements, hopefully at least smaller maps are playable for you.
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