Project Hospital
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[RESOLVED]***Trauma Response Very Slow*** Empty [RESOLVED]***Trauma Response Very Slow***

Tue Jun 11, 2019 5:35 am
Message reputation : 0% (1 vote)
C'mon now guys. Several times now I watched as my doctors and nurses are just sitting down the hall "on free time" or "idle" while a patient is wheeled in to the TC needing stabilization. Please look into this. As mentioned in a previous post if the save is needed I just need to know how to provide it. thanks.
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[RESOLVED]***Trauma Response Very Slow*** Empty Re: [RESOLVED]***Trauma Response Very Slow***

Tue Jun 11, 2019 11:28 am
MedJet wrote:C'mon now guys. Several times now I watched as my doctors and nurses are just sitting down the hall "on free time" or "idle" while a patient is wheeled in to the TC needing stabilization. Please look into this. As mentioned in a previous post if the save is needed I just need to know how to provide it. thanks.

Hi, Jan provided you in another topic with a information about the save file.
And thank you for your report. In the meantime while waiting for the save, that can tell us what might be happening, I can ask :
Did you by any chance turned off trauma/surgery role for your doctor? Doctors will not attend to the patients, when this role is turned off.

Thank you for the additional information and have a great day
Posts : 209
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Join date : 2018-11-21

[RESOLVED]***Trauma Response Very Slow*** Empty Re: [RESOLVED]***Trauma Response Very Slow***

Tue Jun 11, 2019 5:59 pm
[RESOLVED]***Trauma Response Very Slow*** Kjaboe10
Posts : 209
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Join date : 2018-11-21

[RESOLVED]***Trauma Response Very Slow*** Empty Re: [RESOLVED]***Trauma Response Very Slow***

Tue Jun 11, 2019 6:15 pm
Message reputation : 0% (1 vote)
p.s. thanks for the response (I'm a long-time player), I recall that in v.1.0 the trauma team (nurse & doc) were usually right in the room ready to go as the patient arrived. Now, there is a noticeable delay in many cases with occasions where the delay to respond is profound. please help. thanks..
Posts : 605
Reputation : 55
Join date : 2018-03-23

[RESOLVED]***Trauma Response Very Slow*** Empty Re: [RESOLVED]***Trauma Response Very Slow***

Wed Jun 12, 2019 11:52 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
MedJet wrote:p.s. thanks for the response (I'm a long-time player), I recall that in v.1.0 the trauma team (nurse & doc) were usually right in the room ready to go as the patient arrived. Now, there is a noticeable delay in many cases with occasions where the delay to respond is profound. please help. thanks..

Hi, thanks for the save. Couple things:)
1)No change has been made to the admission process. If you have enough staff, it is more likely that they will be ready in the room when patient arrives. Doctor and nurse is needed for that. So if one of them is doing other stuff it takes longer.
2)In your save you have broken hospitalization on emergency - missing observation room
3)And as Jan mentioned in the other post, you have blocked access to patients to trauma center so no procedure will be made there

If you remove that and fix the hospitalization everything will work perfectly.

And also we will add some feedback for players that they blocked room for patient procedures in the future patch:) Thank you again for your report and have a great day
Posts : 209
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2018-11-21

[RESOLVED]***Trauma Response Very Slow*** Empty Re: [RESOLVED]***Trauma Response Very Slow***

Wed Jun 12, 2019 8:00 pm
thanks for the help Ondrej.
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[RESOLVED]***Trauma Response Very Slow*** Empty Re: [RESOLVED]***Trauma Response Very Slow***

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