Project Hospital
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[NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available Empty [NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available

Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:59 am
Four walking (non-stretchered) patients are queueing for the MRI room in the campaign 2 hospital I'm playing, and the MRI room is free, yet none of the patients are going in for their MRI - ever. The MRI machine sometimes appears "green", which I understand to mean reserved, but sometimes doesn't - loading from the same save file has sometimes resulted in the green behaviour and sometimes not. Irrespective of this, the workload of the MRI room is always showing as "none", despite many patients waiting.

[NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available Mri10
[NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available Mri-pa10

Repro steps
Load the attached save file. The MRI room is empty of patients, and is staffed, yet is taking in no patients from the queue outside who are waiting for an MRI. Sometimes the MRI machine appears "green", but if you load the save file again enough times, it will sometimes appear not green too. I can't find any pattern to when this happens.


  • Known good earlier autosave (H20) where the MRI was still functional
  • Broken save where the MRI is no longer functional
  • Game log

Patients in the broken save who are queueing for the MRI

  • Fraser Barkley
  • Sarah Williams
  • Peter Cole
  • Paul Green

[NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available Attachment
Player.log.txt Game logYou don't have permission to download attachments.(79 Kb) Downloaded 1 times
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[NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available

Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:35 pm
Does the MRI lad have a patient on his file?
I'm having the same issue where they won't take a new patient before their last one has left the hospital.
In my savegame it usually happens with hospitalised patients 'sticking' as their active patient. Thus they can't call in a new one.
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[NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available

Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:12 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Hi, thanks for joining the forum to report the issue! (:

As a complete coincidence, we ran into a similar problem recently during our internal testing a hopefully the issue will be fixed in the next patch.

To confirm this is the same case: do you remember prescribing any treatments to the patient who you can see in the technologist's card (Sarah Miller)?
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[NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available

Mon Apr 06, 2020 11:50 am
Thanks Jan! I don't remember doing so, no, but it's not impossible that I did. As it turned out, after advancing the game time to the next day, the conflict resolved itself - so I assume it got error corrected at midnight?
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[NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available

Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:19 pm
Hi, no problem, we can also double-check the diagnosis and how the treatments get prescribed by the AI doctors.

And yes, when the patients leave, the game will detect that an object is reserved by somebody who isn't in the hospital anymore and fix the problem, usually over midnight.
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[NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available

Mon Apr 06, 2020 1:39 pm
Just had the same problem again, except this time with a sonographer. I checked the patient assigned to the sonographer, and found that I had manually assigned the patient something... the only trouble is, what I'd manually assigned was a CT scan, not sonography! I have no idea why the sonographer got involved.

[NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available Deepin10
[NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available Deepin11

I then checked the save file manually, and found the sonographer's entry (his name is Peter Lewis, but there's a patient as well - entity ID is 1007000936) and, whilst I'm by no means an expert, I can't find anything indicating he has patients or is currently doing anything at all. I think the relevant save file lines are

    <EntityIDPointer />
<m_reservedForProcedureLocID />
but the full save file is attached below anyway. I've only been playing this game since Saturday though so my understanding of the save file might well be wrong!
[NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available Attachment Broken save 2 - sonography this timeYou don't have permission to download attachments.(1.7 Mb) Downloaded 1 times
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[NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available

Mon Apr 06, 2020 3:02 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Hi, thanks for the update! This must be a different case then, but at this point it's not clear at all why it's happening (I thought I could get a technologist stuck by switching patients examinations while the patient is already coming from a waiting room to something the technologist can't do, but the game refuses to get stuck there). It also probably happened quite a while ago, the patient had already had quite a few lab tests after the last radiology exam. Anyway, I'll try to keep an eye on this.

Btw, the parameter in the save will be <m_currentPatient> set on the technologist.
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[NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Patients stuck queueing for MRI room and never go in for treatment, despite MRI being available

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